Saturday, January 12, 2008

Silly me

Last night I was thinking it was the last night for focus, but then found out today that I was wrong. Again it took me all day to figure out something. Then I seen my idea as Bill (dh) was sitting on the couch watching his favorite team playing football. He had his beer in his hand and focused on his game. Annoying the hell out of me I must say. Surround sound turned up, yelling and screaming at the tv as if these people really hear what he is saying. I am sure I was annoying the hell out of him telling him how I wanted to take his picture and telling him to hold the beer bottle this way and then he wanted to take a drink and I was telling him, I am not done yet. All the while he is trying to stay focused on his team. So this I guess is how I end the week in focus!


--sme said...

Great shot and a great story to go with it!

jordan.krogman said...

LOL!! Sounds SO much like me and my DH! He loves the Redskins, and -- I hate to say it -- I was SO HAPPY to see them get eliminated from the playoffs last week because I'm done with football for the year!! ;)

Tomboymama said...


Mandy said... the humor is this shot!

Ashley Hiskes said...

LOL What a great picture! I can just hear you telling him how to hold the bottle now. How did that game turn out for him? LOL

Anonymous said...

that all sounds familiar! Great shot and focus!

C said...

ahhh, my favortie beer! great picture and focus!

Tori said...

LOL! too funny!

Becky said...

I don't even like beer, but you made this look yummy.
So which is his team? Don't know whether to say congratulations or I'm sorry.

Margaret said...

Funny shot and story!

Toni said...

Typical guy! Toni

For Over 29 Years... said...

That's great journaling! Cool shot also.

Val said...

funny. Beer= yucky! hehe

Ljsmom33 said...

LOL! Love it! Did his team win?

staceyandbre said...

Kristie, you did a great job on the focus and I think the story that went with it was funny too. You are doing a wonderful job, and I love all your photos...keep up the good work and don't get discouraged!