Friday, April 25, 2008

WHat a beautiful day

Once again, I just had a great day with my girls. I started the afternoon off by taking them to the candy store, but didnt take the camera. That just may be an idea for the future. I am sure I would get tons of smiles out of them there. I busted out my 75-300 lens (that I used to think so highly of) and found out it is not really a favorite of mine anymore. I think I need to find a better zoom. The pictures are not crisp at all. I am just on love with the 100 mm. THat could be my problem. I also played with my 50 1.8 today. We blew bubbles, ate candy, drank Blue Raspberry Slushies, Jumped on the trampoline and also did some swinging.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Just me and the Girls today

This first image is looking to cool for me now that I have it loaded here.

Wish that I didnt cut off her foot

Bill had to work today and so I took the girls outside all day. We went on 3 walks and I took the camera. Mya was so cooperative . I actually found a cute little spot to take pictures and it just may become a favorite place for me. It has a funky blue color metal door and a great Brick wall. I went nuts . My skills were lacking a bit today, but I did still get some keepers. I have had a lot of compliments on my photography this week which make me feel FANTASTIC. I just wish I was good enough to be bringing in the money. Hopefully my day is coming. So here are some shots from today.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

still working on yesterdays shots

I didnt take any pictures of the kids today. I did do some macro shots that I have to still get off of the camera though. So I am just going to add some of the shots from yesterday. There are still more that I have to go through, but these are some of my favorites.


I decided to do my blog. :)

I am so happy that it is finally nice enough to take the girls outside. They were really getting cabin fever. Bill and I took them to the Park today and I took over 200 pictures. For the first time in a long time I was enjoying my camera. Out of the 200+ that I took, there were only a few that I needed to trash. It is going to take me forever to edit them all. So here are the few that I did get through so far.