Saturday, January 12, 2008
Silly me
Posted by me at Saturday, January 12, 2008 15 comments
Friday, January 11, 2008
The last day of FOCUS
This has been an interesting week. Focus can be taken so many different ways. when the week started, I was thinking up everything I wanted to do and each day I seen that my ideas were also ideas of others. Making me think harder so that I was unique. I guess that is the whole idea of doing this blog. Getting the creativity flowing. I like the others want to focus more on my family, focus on my health and focus on my friendships. Those will come first. Then after taking care of all of that I realize one thing that I would LOVE to have time to focus on would be to have time
To actually shave my legs. Being a stay at home Mommy to two daughters and having a husband who works crazy hours makes it super difficult to find time for this one simple task. Thank goodness for being able to wear pants right now.
to end the week of focus I decided to :

Take a picture out of focus!
Thank you again for all of you leaving me comments!
Posted by me at Friday, January 11, 2008 11 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008
OH what a day!
Posted by me at Thursday, January 10, 2008 21 comments
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Day 3 FOCUS!
Mya has had a cold for a few days now and the only thing that seems to help is Vicks. Today she went to her room to watch a movie and was really coughing so I went and rubbed some Vicks on her chest. On my way downstairs a light bulb clicked in my head for todays post. This is what I came up with for today. I have to focus on getting her feeling better so she can have fun playing with her toys.
Settings were:
ISO 400
Posted by me at Tuesday, January 08, 2008 29 comments
Monday, January 7, 2008
Focus day 2
Oh what a beautiful day we had here today. I think I heard it was around 70 degrees. That is my kind of weather. I actually was able to get the girls out to play . It was wonderful getting a breath of fresh air and not having to freeze while doing it. I can see that I have been getting way to much practice in doors because when I got outside with my camera I was so uncomfortable. I didn't do a CWB and WOW do I have regrets now.
So for today's theme, I took My Awesome photography book found the definition for Focus and took a picture focusing mainly on that word. It was kind of hard to get a super good close up with my 50mm, but I tried.
Manual - ISO 100- f/1.8- 1/640
Then while I was outside I took a snap of the berries on my hedges. I think this is pretty good focus if I do say so myself. LOL!
Manual- ISO 400- f/1.8- 1/1000
yes I screwed up the settings. I was holding my camera, holding Laken and pushing Mya on her bike! That is multi -tasking if I ever seen it. I am sure I looked like a goof trying to get a picture of berries on a dead hedge. Wonder what my neighbors think when they see me with my camera outside taking pictures of things other then people. I guess the same things I used to think when I would see someone taking pictures of the same type of things before I got into photography. They will really talk this summer when they see me on my head trying to get that perfect shot of my kids playing. LOL.
Thank you all for the wonderful comments each and every day.. I love them and look forward to them.
Posted by me at Monday, January 07, 2008 30 comments
Sunday, January 6, 2008
This is going to be short and sweet. I didnt get to technical today. Seeing how the title of the week is "Focus" into 2008, this was my first thought.
AND the usual.
Shopping for shoes
Posted by me at Sunday, January 06, 2008 17 comments