Tuesday, January 15, 2008

photoshop before and afters


brought the midtones up in curves to 160 since I underexposed
soft light
Then ran Multiply Vignette action twice and cropped

I am so behind. This has not been a very good week for me. Mya woke up on Sunday with symptoms of a UTI. My little sweetheart was so miserable. We both did a lot of crying, but thankfully the antibiotics are doing there thing and she is getting back to normal. Today Laken woke up with a slight cough and I have a feeling by tomorrow she is not going to be feeling so well. I hope that I am wrong. I just cant get a break from the sickies in my house. I had a cold, then Mya had one, then just as she is getting better had to get the UTI and now Laken is getting sick and I think I have a few sniffles myself. Also in quite a "FUNK" with my photography skills once again. It is so upsetting to me to see people that started around the same time as me doing so much better. I just want to be so much better and it isnt happening fast enough. Anyway I am using an old picture just because it makes me happy. Not quite happy with the edit, but that is what this is all about right? Feel free to give CC.


Danielle said...

Love your picture. Beautiful job with the conversion.

Angela2932 said...

The conversion really brightens this and it's a lovely photo. Sorry you're having one of those dreary, January, sickness weeks. You picked a good photo to work with tonight, a nice sunny, summer day. Just keep at it with your camera; you got other things (beings) clamoring for your time, and you'll get more camera time before you know it.

Ashley Hiskes said...

Great picture and edits!!!
I think you are a wonderful photographer and you shouldn't be so hard on yourself!

Mandy said...

I just love these beach shots...even if you had done nothing to it, it would have been beautiful, but your edit really ads something.

January...oh...such a hard month! The weather, the sickness...all that stuff. I think everyone has good and bad photo days...and when you are creative, sometimes it comes in spurts and you won't get another "good idea" for a while. This shot is so pretty though. Thank you for sharing it because I needed to think about some sun and fun!

Toni said...

No cc here, I love the after! TOni

Anonymous said...

That edit is fantastic! I love the cute!

Tomboymama said...

I like your edit a lot. What a nice picture to work on in January! Hope you all are feeling better soon.

Mom2Drew said...

I think the color in that second one is great, a nice edit. I do think the vignette may be a tad on the blue side, not sure why...? Maybe taking her out of the middle of the frame would make you like the composition better. Just giving suggestions, I think it's a cute shot the way it is though.

emilyc said...

Such a cute picture and a great job with the edits. Takes if from what looks like an overcast day, to full sun! Hope your babies are feeling better soon.

Margaret said...

Cute shot, and I love the processing. Hope everyone feels better soon!

Farrah Jobling said...

great might also try a tighter crop.

Suzy said...

I love your edits but that pic looks great in both the before and after!

trish said...

I love seeing pics of Mya, she is so beautiful!

Liz said...

Your conversion makes the colors pop!
I hope everyone in your house is up and better really, really soon. It is never fun having a house full of sickies.

Becky said...

Hope you're all feeling better soon! No one feels inspired all the time!
I think you did a nice job on this photo.

Ljsmom33 said...

I think you did a wonderful job! Give Mya a huge hug for me!