Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mya had a busy week

She had her very first dentist appt. on Monday and she was so brave. I was so proud of her. Now she keeps asking Mommy why she doesnt have to go. I don't have any real answers for her because I am not going to tell her I am deathly afraid of them.
The dentist came walking in after she had them polished and cleaned and said "oh Mom has a camera" Why is that a shock? Of course MOm had a camera, it is her first appt I want to document that. Is that wrong? I used to be to scared to take pictures. I always was afraid of what someone would think of me, but Now I think I am over that. Anyway here is a pic of my brave girl.
Then today she had her 4 year well check up. Poor pumpkin had to get 5 shots and her arms are so sore. She did so well though and only shed a few quick tears. The PA said she loves when we come to see her because the girls are so well behaved. God that feels good when someone tells ya that. I hear it a lot to. YES I AM BRAGGING. lol! so the girls were rewarded by going to the candy store:) slushies are always good after shots.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

nothing much today

just one for tonight. I was playing with my 50 1.8 today to see if I really need the 100 2.8. I cant really decide. My poor baby had a rough day yesterday and now has a black eye :(

Friday, July 11, 2008

Starting to almost feel ready

to get a portfolio. I have been practicing so much lately. I am trying to get images for my portfolio. Some will say I am ready, others I am sure will think I am not. I may do this soon, or I may wait a LONG time yet. LOL. Time will tell I guess. So here is some of my recents :)

I know her skin tones are off, but honestly I kinda dig the way it is.

Went to a stunt show This is Kevin. He is the owner of STARBOYZ. Check them out at

my lovely bff of 26 years and her awesome family

I was trying to get a Self Portrait yesterday. I put the cam up on the tripod and ran back and forth from the couch 72 times. Funny looking I am sure, but at the same time FRUSTRATING!!! SO I decided to make a funny sign and ask for help. That was probaly the most exercise I had in months. Maybe I should commit to the self portrait 365 days in order to get the much needed exercise in!

Monday, July 7, 2008

family collages

Thanks to some awesome ladies on my message boards for offering these wonderful templates free. My friend Amber was here visiting recently and I fixed up this collage for her using these wonderful templates. These are just the rough drafts, but I am really pleased with them. Here are some of the photos from our recent shoot.

Friday, July 4, 2008


I have been so awful with keeping up with my blog.
We went to see some fireworks tonight and I wanted to practice shooting them. They are OK, but not great.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


These girls are such blessings! They are what my life is all about. Even the days that they make me want to pull every hair out of my head, I go to bed and think about how lucky I am to be their MOM!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ahhhh........Time for a bath. YES!

Bill had off work today and I didn't have to take my 10 second shower. I really did take a shower, but I pretended to take a bath for my Water shots. HAHA! I am really hoping that you can't see body parts in a bubble or something. That would be my luck. Don't spend to much time trying to see either. I know you want to try since I just pointed that out. Then just for good measure, I did another drippy shot! Again, Thank you for the comments. They actually make me feel like I am getting somewhere. Maybe I actually can do this for a living sometime :)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Dew drops, Ice cubes and dripping water

This "WATER" topic is killing me. I can't come up with the creative shots that I thought I would. This morning I thought I would go put water drops on my flowers outside, but that idea didn't work because the flowers were closed:(
There was still dew sitting on the leaves so I tried to capture them, but I didn't get those huge beautiful dew drops that I had hoped for. So I racked my brain some more through the day and made some Ice cubes. I haven't done that in a LONG time. Sure made Mya happy. So it wasn't a total worthless cause. Of course I had to do some more drippy faucet shots. I only got one DECENT shot. It isn't in total focus though. I loved all the comments last night. THANK YOU!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Day 2 of Water

Today has been such a crazy day. My computer is on the FRITZ! Not a good thing. I am going to be in Huge trouble if it completely stops working. The weather was so nasty today and so we had to spend another day inside:( That makes for some CRANKY kids. I had some ideas in my head, but when I tried them, I realized I am clueless how to get the look I was going for. Maybe tomorrow. I am pretty happy with some of these though. I have room for improvement for sure. SHooting these without a tripod is not an easy task.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

This weeks theme is "WATER"

This weeks THEME is WATER. Not sure just how creative I am going to get with this, but these are what I came up with so far. The first 2 are just a drippy faucet using my Macro. THen of course the last one is obvious. You have to have water for the bubbles. CHECK out that HUGE bubble. I know that background is distracting, but I still like the shot. Feel free to give HHCC. Thanks to those of you who have been leaving me comments. THey are much appreciated. :)

an oldy

this is a picture of my friends son that I took in October. I just edited it tonight though. He is just so Handsome. :) I just found out that I get to see them in June. I am so excited. His Mom and I have been friends for 26 years. I will also be taking more pictures when I see her.

Friday, April 25, 2008

WHat a beautiful day

Once again, I just had a great day with my girls. I started the afternoon off by taking them to the candy store, but didnt take the camera. That just may be an idea for the future. I am sure I would get tons of smiles out of them there. I busted out my 75-300 lens (that I used to think so highly of) and found out it is not really a favorite of mine anymore. I think I need to find a better zoom. The pictures are not crisp at all. I am just on love with the 100 mm. THat could be my problem. I also played with my 50 1.8 today. We blew bubbles, ate candy, drank Blue Raspberry Slushies, Jumped on the trampoline and also did some swinging.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Just me and the Girls today

This first image is looking to cool for me now that I have it loaded here.

Wish that I didnt cut off her foot

Bill had to work today and so I took the girls outside all day. We went on 3 walks and I took the camera. Mya was so cooperative . I actually found a cute little spot to take pictures and it just may become a favorite place for me. It has a funky blue color metal door and a great Brick wall. I went nuts . My skills were lacking a bit today, but I did still get some keepers. I have had a lot of compliments on my photography this week which make me feel FANTASTIC. I just wish I was good enough to be bringing in the money. Hopefully my day is coming. So here are some shots from today.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

still working on yesterdays shots

I didnt take any pictures of the kids today. I did do some macro shots that I have to still get off of the camera though. So I am just going to add some of the shots from yesterday. There are still more that I have to go through, but these are some of my favorites.