Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ahhhh........Time for a bath. YES!

Bill had off work today and I didn't have to take my 10 second shower. I really did take a shower, but I pretended to take a bath for my Water shots. HAHA! I am really hoping that you can't see body parts in a bubble or something. That would be my luck. Don't spend to much time trying to see either. I know you want to try since I just pointed that out. Then just for good measure, I did another drippy shot! Again, Thank you for the comments. They actually make me feel like I am getting somewhere. Maybe I actually can do this for a living sometime :)


Kristina said...

Oh, your macros are just amazing! I think you've got a real talent with that kind of shot!

Tricia said...

Love your macro shot and the toes in the water. LOL I was going to do that same shot tonight for tomorrows photos. (Great minds think alike)

Jess said...

OH, I envy you even having time for a "pretend bath"! LOL! And that drippy shot is AMAZING!

Jeanette said...

That last shot is awesome! I need me a macro lens.

Gypsy Girl(Brenda) said...

What a fun idea. Nice that you had time for a longer shower and time for pictures.

Ashley Hiskes said...

Great job with these! I love the 2nd one!

Reds said...

:) - Great shots on theme!!

pat said...

Man, your drips ROCK!!! You have such a great eye for comp on those, and the clarity is wonderful. Kudos! The bath looks relaxing.

Mandy said...

What a neat idea. I just love those tootsies...I would totally drop my camera in the tub so I rarely bring it near. Hahaha.

Becky said...

You're brave, both for being nakey with the camera around and for having the camera around water. :-) Awesome drip macro too!

Melissa said...

That drip is awesome!

Cindi Koceich said...

That makes me want to go and take a bath!
Love all of your water drop shots! Very cool!!

Malisa said...

very creative! Your water shots are great!

Trina said...

WOW, I just love the last shot!! That is awesome! Great job sticking to this weeks theme!

LuckyMommy's Photography Blog said...

Oh I love your bath tub shots! very creative! Your water drop shots are so impressive!

Angela2932 said...

Cool shots; I love the ripply-ness of the water!

Debbi said...

LOL about seeing body parts! Great shots!

PD said...

haaa 10 second showeres STINK!
