My ideas for the "Hats off" theme started off Lame to begin with, but now I am in so much trouble. I find myself laying in bed at night thinking of something cool and interesting, but my mind draws a blank. Then when I do think of something, I find I totally can't do what I had visioned in my head. I thought of "copying" one of my friends pictures. She had a cutie picture of her legs crossed and her feet were holding a hat. Such a cute idea, then I tried and realized my legs are not sexy...unless you consider hairy snake skin sexy. I also thought how cute it would be to have my hubby and I kissing and holding a hat out, but Bill is totally not into me taking pictures. So again I threw that idea out the window. So I was stuck with taking a picture of me to stick to the theme. I am not into being in front of the camera that is why I am the one behind the camera. So this is what I came up with. I know I blew out the hat, but I was shocked to even do a self portrait and it actually be in focus (well almost in focus)
Manual ISO 400 - 2.0 - 1/125
That is all I came up with for the theme, but I can't stop my blog entry here because I am totally addicted to blogging now. Never in a million years did I ever think I would have a blog, but this is FUN!
While I was trying to get a semi decent picture of me in my "HAT" I caught one of my eyes that I really liked. I really like the fact that if you have not been to have your UNIBROW waxed lately that you can fix it all in photoshop. I do need a wax job, but it wasn't quite a unibrow yet.
Moving on. Here is more pictures of Laken with her shoes this morning and Jammies again.
Manual- ISO 200- 1.8- 1/100
Not sure I like the conversion here, I cant even remember how I did it. I do know it was one of my thousand actions. I do like the lighting coming through.
and this last one is just a sweet moment I captured on New Year's day. My Mom and Daughter playing "STORE"
Manual ISO 1600- 2.0- 1/200
That is all for today. Thank you so much to all of you who have been leaving me comments. Feel free to give HARD CORE CC as well. I appreciate all feed back.
These look great. I really like your self portrait. And I think the conversion with the shoe is great!
I like your first self portrait. It's cool. I like the light on your eyes, especially the one in focus eye.
I like your hat on the feet idea too. Might try it!
You have GORGEOUS eyes! I think you did a fabulous job capturing them!!! And that picture of your mom playing store...priceless!!!
You're right...I didn't even care that the hat was blown out...what an interesting crop and compositon. In fact, all of your pics are unique and creative. I do like you're thinking out of the box and thus, your banner really suits you. Blogging can be addicting, it's true.
I love the one of Grandma and your daughter playing store....brings back memories....
Oh I love the one with the shoe and sippy cup! That is priceless...
I like your self portrait and I really like the one with the sippy cup and baby shoe. Great that you are thinking creatively about the theme!
Fun! I'm glad you're enjoying blogging - it's addictive!
These are wonderful! The B&W of hand, foot, sippy cup is so adorable. You, by the way, have gorgeous eyes! Nice work.
I love all of these! Great captures!!!!!
Nice eye shots. I also like the shoe conversion. And playing store with grandma, what could be better?
Wow... you got good focus on a self-portrait! Very nice shots!
Excellent self portrait, lovely focus!! I think you did a good job. Such pretty eyes.
I love these. So creative!
the self portrait is great! the one of your daughter carrying her sippy and her shoe is cute... so funny what they decide to carry around!
Love the closeups of hands and feet. I like your first self portrait as well.
That first picture is stunning! Your eyes are beautiful. You should be in front of the camera more often.
Love your pictures, especially the black and white one with the sippy cup. Really creative and outside the box thinking!! Also loved your journaling!
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