Saturday, February 2, 2008

It's been a long time

I have totally slacked on this blog lately. I have had so much going on health wise and kind of got depressed. SOme of you already know whats been happening with me so I am sorry to bore you with the details again. LOL! I had to go to the OBGYN last week, She said she could feel a cyst on my left ovary, but it did not really concern her. Being on the safe side I have to go have an Ultrasound done this coming Friday. WHile being there, my heart was beating very irregular and so she made me make an appointment with my Family Doctor. I had blood drawn, and an EKG. The EkG proved that I have Tachycardia. On Tuesday, I have to go back for an Echocardiogram. I could be anemic, have Thyroid problems or I may have Mitrovalve Prolapse. Mya had to have some personal things done to her, but is much better now and Every single one of us are sick with the same cold that keeps coming back! GRRRR.
On a good note, my WONDERFUL Mother bought my fake floor for me that I have been wanting FOREVER, but I do still need to get the baseboard. I can't wait to take some pictures using it. Though My camera is still acting like a piece of poop and I am still having a hard time parting with it.
So the picture that I included today was of the ice that formed on my Lilac bush. We had a ton of Ice fall yesterday. It looked beatiful, but I am so glad I didnt have to go out in it. Hopefully I will get back on track now and be able to keep up with my blog.